New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians

Chris Quinn

Because of your hard work and the fundraising program you created, we raised three times more in one year than ever before. Thank you for guiding us to funding a successful PAC.

Scenic Missouri

Karl Kruse

Robert Kaplan lived up to his reputation as being the best initiative fundraiser in the country. If the need arose, I would hire him again in an instant.

California Catholic Conference

Reverend Monsignor E. James Patterson

I give you credit for the unprecedented coordination of in-the-pew solicitation of funds in almost all of our 1,007 Catholic parishes in California. I'm glad I got you on the campaign.

State of California

Governor George Deukmejian

Please accept my sincere appreciation for your stalwart efforts on behalf of Propositions 111 and 108. Without a doubt, you played a major role in our June 5 victory. Let me extend my personal thanks for a job well done.

Consumer Attorneys of California

Laurence E. Drivon

Your hard work, creativity and steadfast commitment to the campaign enabled us to raise $18 million, more than double our original budget, and achieve victory. Thank you.

Woodward & McDowell

Richard S. Woodward

Robert has served as Finance Director on more than five statewide ballot measures we managed. He is fearless in asking for commitments and contributions.

Los Angeles County

Sheriff Sherman Block

I hired Robert to raise money for my “Fund For Fail Safe Jail Systems.`` His hard work, tenacity and good humor brought us great success and made fundraising so much less painful than usual.

California State Assembly

Speaker John Perez

Robert is a seasoned professional who knows how to bring people into causes he champions. You would be hard pressed to find someone with the breadth and depth of Robert’s experience in raising money and growing organizations.


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