You never get more than you ask for.

Fund raising is a negotiation.

Use humor whenever you can.

Talk with a smile in your voice.

Do not close any solicitation without asking for a contribution, even if it is only $10.

Set the agenda. Tell prospective donors what you need before they tell you what they will give.

Do not be more afraid of asking for money then you are of not having enough money to fulfill your organization’s mission or get its message out.

Fundraising is a numbers game — the more people you ask, the more people you can solicit and negotiate with, and the more money you will raise.

We want everyone to make a capacity gift. Everyone’s capacity is different, but everyone has the ability to give – even if it is only $5.

If we do not stand up and fight for ourselves and the causes we care about, we cannot expect anyone else to.

Successful fundraising includes giving prospective donors targets and goals – get them to respond to your needs.

Fundraising is about giving prospective donors an opportunity to participate in helping others.

If we fail to act, if we fail to answer the call and step-up to the plate when the opportunity presents itself, then we will forever be responsible for the failure of the cause in which we believe.

Appoint Finance Chairs, organize and build Finance Committees. Expand your reach by creating a broad based organization of fundraisers.

Be aspirational for your prospective donors. They may never give you what you ask for, but they will likely give you more than they would have if you did not ask them for so much in the first place.

Fundraising is not only a matter of asking prospective donors to “give or get.” It is a matter of asking them to “give and get” contributions from their family, friends and colleagues.


“How close can you get to that number?”
“If I cannot count on friends like you, who can I count on?”
“You have been a good friend, and I hate to ask for your help, but given circumstances I am left with no choice.”
“We cannot expect anyone to invest in our shared cause, if we are not willing to invest ourselves.”
“It is s my belief that if you fail to act now, you will be reacting forever.”
“The opportunity to participate is on-going, but the need is immediate.”
“You said you cannot afford to be involved. The real question is “How can you not afford to be involved?”
“I would not be asking for so much if both the need and the opportunity were not so great.”



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